North Flags Specializes in...
Manufacturing top quality applique, embroidered, silkscreen and digital flags.
The benefit to you is a unique combination of state-of-the-art technology, superior craftsmanship, unmatched choice and unmatched value. We are also keenly aware that all of the above is not enough if we don’t deliver superior service to our customers. You have our promise that everyone at North Flags is committed to delivering worldclass service to match our world-class technology and products.
Manufacturing your Custom Flags

We can help you create the design that illustrates your clubs' vision. North Flags is the industry leader in providing high quality flags throughout the world.
Custom Event Banners
If your club has an event, banners are a great way to display infromation related to your event.
Custom Framed Flags

Has your club considered quality framed flags to commemorate your clubs contributors. Maybe you want to frame the flag from the course that you shot a hole in one at. We can frame it.
What makes North Flags better?
Superior materials, superior craftsmanship
North Flags produces its own flags using industry leading standards for weave integrity and long-term resistance to flex and UV damage.
State-of-the-art production
North flags products are appliquéd or embroidered and then assembled by experienced flag makers who know that quality counts. We also make silk screen and digital flags.
Our Mission
At North Flags quality is very important to us. We strive to make the most durable flags possible.